Miami Dolphinfish fishing charters

Famous around Florida for its lovely hue and huge size, dolphinfish is a treat to catch. It also tastes great, so anglers often seek out Miami Florida Dolphinfish Fishing Charters to help them bag this fish!

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Catching Dolphinfish in Miami, Florida

Miami has some of the best dolphinfish fishing Florida has to offer.

Featuring cheerful and rich green shades that match Florida’s waters itself, dolphinfish is one of Miami’s beautiful fish offerings.

Everything you Need to Know About Dolphinfish in Miami

Dolphinfish swarm Miami’s waters from April to August and until October. Weighing at around 15 to 30 pounds on average, they’re a sight to behold and a pleasure to eat.

Most seafood restaurants serve them and refer to them either as mahi mahi or dorado. Its other name, mahi mahi, translates to “strong strong” which showcases this fish’s power when hooked.

You can find dolphinfish in Miami’s offshore waters.

Common Techniques Used to Catch Dolphinfish

Cigar minnows are a favorite among the dolphinfish. However, various live bait, cut bait, spoons, jigs, and artificial lures work on catching them as well.

The best way to catch dolphinfish in Miami is by deep sea fishing, spinning, drift fishing, trolling, or light tackling.

Why Choose Miami for Dolphinfish Fishing

If you’re an angler and already in Florida, you’ll be throwing away a great opportunity to have a memorable fishing experience.

Hunting for dolphinfish in Miami is one of the most enjoyable things you can do. By choosing Miami for dolphinfish fishing, you’re exposing yourself to the rich and warm ocean, and you’re setting yourself up for a tasty after-fishing treat.

More importantly, you’re giving yourself the chance to bag a trophy fish. The largest caught dolphinfish was 83 pounds and had been caught in Miami.

Florida Fishing Regulations for Catching Dolphinfish

You can bag dorado in Florida without a minimum size limit in Gulf state waters, but Atlantic state water dolphinfish needs to be at least 20 inches long. 

You’re limited to 10 dolphinfish per person per day.

Why Choose Miami Florida as Your Next Dolphinfish Fishing Charter

Miami Florida Dolphinfish Fishing Charters hooks you up with the best available experienced local guides within Miami to ensure your fishing trip goes smoothly.

Booking with us not only arms you with the best fishing gear and guides, but also greatly increases your chances of having a memorable experience that’ll last you a lifetime.

Head on to our blog for useful fishing tips on fishing in Miami, contact us for queries, or start your fishing adventure.

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Catching Dolphinfish in Miami, Florida